Volunteer Signup

Please consider volunteering for one or more of the events during the weekend. In return, you will receive one free ticket allowing you to explore all the gardens, and enjoy one Tea.

Help is needed in the following areas:

  • Docents in the gardens -
    3 hour shifts.
    Please indicate AM or PM, Saturday or Sunday.

  • Tea Service -
    • Bakers for the sweets/savories served
    • Kitchen help

  • Ticket sales -
    Staffing the ticket booth (3 hour shifts)

Please provide the following in order to volunteer:

   Phone Number:
   Indicate in which of the above area you'd like to help:

info@backalleygarden.org Clicking this email link will open a pre-filled email message. Just type in your information, and send as usual. If you need to, you can also do it the old fashioned way. Thank You.

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